18 2013
Dombrowski A., Chylarecki P., Goławski A., Kuczborski R., Miciałkiewicz R., Mitrus C., Smoleński T., Zawadzki J. 2013. Avifauna of the lower Bug floodplain in the breeding seasons of 1991-2000. Kulon 18: 6-31.
Andrzej Dombrowski, Mazowiecko-Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, Abstract.
The inventory of the majority of breeding bird species on the lower Bug
floodplain was conducted during 1998-2000. In total, 161 breeding or
probably breeding species were recorded, including 30 listed in Annex 1
of the Birds Directive. The most abundant species in this group was the
Corncrake (557 males, estimated numbers 700). Also numerous were
breeding populations of the Bittern Botaurus stellaris (12 males), Black Stork Ciconia nigra (11), White Stork Ciconia ciconia (256), Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus (65), Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus (17), Spotted Crake Porzna porzana (67), Little Tern Sternula albifrons (106), Kingfisher Alcedo atthis (91), and Bluethroat Luscinia svecica
(29). Over the ten-year period, the following tendencies were
found in populations of 78 species: 32 species clearly
declined, 25 species increased, and 21 species did not show clear
tendencies. A remarkable decline of most ducks, Charadriiformes and Rallidae
requires special attention. These birds were associated with
backwaters, extensively managed meadows, and banks of shallow oxbow
lakes. It cannot be excluded that their decline was a consequence of
shrinking traditional hay meadow-pasture management in favor of
crop fields, complete abandonment of agricultural activity, and,
moreover, progressing isolation of the river from the valley by
constructing flood-protecting embankments. Presumably, predation by
foxes and American minks on birds nesting in the valley has
been increasing, especially on those associated with the river channel,
such as the Little Plover Charadius dubius. Chmielewski S., Boguszewski P., Kielan Sz., Klimczak R., Iwańczuk C., Tabor J., Tęcza R. 2013. Avifauna of the Special Protection Areas in the Przysowa and Słudwia valley. Kulon 18: 33-56. Sławomir Chmielewski, Mazowiecko-Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, Rynek 12, PL-05-640 Mogielnica, e-mail: Abstract. In 2010 and 2011, bird inventory was conducted in the Special Protection Area Przysowa and Słudwia valley (PLB100003). About 5 000 ha was under study, some areas beyond the SPA being included. The Area covers a fragment of the wet Słudwia valley and the total Przysowa valley with lake Szczawińskie. The present data are supplemented with archival materials from other years. In the period of autumn migration, concentrations of waterbirds in the Area reached a maximum of about 8 000 individuals (second half of November). In the third ten-day period of March, highest concentrations of geese Anser sp. (ca 22 000 individuals) were noted, including maximum concentrations of the Greylag Goose Anser albifrons of up to about 20 000 individuals and of the Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria (ca 11 000 individuals). In 2013, flocks of the Bean Goose Anser fabalis of over 5 000 individuals were observed in the Słudwia valley. Among breeding species, the Black Tern Chlidonias niger (up to 50 pairs) and the Bluethroat Luscinia svecica (15-19 pairs) distinguished the Przysowa and Słudwia valley. Also the Montagu’s Harrier Circus pygargus nested abundantly (9-11 pairs). In the wet year of 2013, over 260 pairs of the White-winged Black Tern Chlidonias leucopterus were noted. Dombrowski A., Stolarz P., Goławski A. 2013. Changes in numbers of waterbirds breeding on fish ponds in central part of the South-Podlasian Lowland between 1966 and 2013. Kulon 18: 57-68. Andrzej Dombrowski, Mazowiecko-Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, ul. Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, e mail: Abstract. In 2010-2013, numbers of 41 breeding bird species were estimated on 13 complexes of fish ponds located in central part of the South-Podlasian Lowland. Comparable data were obtained for a total of 45 species of waterbirds observed in two periods of 1987-2013, and for 22 species in three periods (1966-1970; 1987-1993; 2010-2013). In recent 20-year period, the majority of species (26) declined, 11 species increased, and only 4 species did not change. A heavy decline was found in all Lamellirostres, grebes, rails, plovers and terns. Moreover, numbers of some passerines, such as Bluethroat Luscinia svecica, Grasshopper Warbler Locustella naevia and River Warbler Locustella fluviatilis, markedly declined. The highest increases were observed in five species: Greylag Goose Anser anser, Marsh Harrier Circus aeruginosus, Crane Grus grus, Reed Warbler Acrocephalus scirpaceus, and Great Reed Warbler Acrocephalus arundinaceus. Six new species that previously did not nest in this habitat were represented by Whooper Swan Cygnus cygnus, Greylag Goose, Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, Crane Grus grus, Yellow-headed Gull Larus cachinnans, and Bearded Tit Panurus biarmicus. Only four species did not show marked differences: Bittern Botaurus stellaris, and birds nesting in small numbers: Spotted Crake Porzana porzana, Kingfisher Alcedo atthis and Sand Martin Riparia riparia. The major factors accounting for population declines include intensified fishing, especially the related removal of emergent vegetation. Also predation by mammals, such as American mink and, possibly, foxes and raccoon dogs, is high. Boguszewski P. 2013. Breeding avifauna of the Rawski county fishponds and reservoirs. Kulon 18: 69-84. Jana III Sobieskiego 34/28, PL-96-200 Rawa Mazowiecka Abstract. Observations were carried out in 2009-2010 in the Rawski county on three fishpond complexes and one reservoir complex, on a total area of 302.7 ha. Combined version of the mapping method was used. 23 breeding waterfowl and Falconiformes were found. The dominant species were: Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Coot Fulica atra and Tufted duck Aythya fuligula, in 2009 also Little Grebe Tachybaptus ruficollis. Dombrowski A., Rowiński P. 2013. Changes in numbers of birds along the Vistula River between Dęblin and Kępa Polska in the non-breeding season 2006-2007. Kulon 18: 85-96. Andrzej Dombrowski, Mazowiecko-Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, Abstract. Four bird counts were conducted along the Dęblin-Kępa Potocka Vistula section (200 km) in the season 2006-2007: 16-18 December 2006, 13-22 January, 23-25 February, and 16-20 March 2007. A total of 96 bird species was noted, including 38 waterbirds and 58 land birds. In successive months we recorded from 23 species of waterbirds in December to 32 in March. Waterbirds were most abundant in December and least abundant in March. Five of the species most numerous in December progressively declined in successive months: Mallard Anas platyrhynchos, Common Gull Larus canus, Heron Ardea cinerea, Teal Anas crecca, and White-tailed Eagle Haliaeetus albicilla. Seven species reached highest numbers in February: Goldeneye Bucephala clangula, Goosander Mergus merganser, Smew Mergus albellus, Mute Swan Cygnus olor, Cormorant Phalacrocorax carbo, Coot Fulica atra and Greylag Goose Anser anser. The species richness of land birds was highest in March, when 47 species were found, and 42 species were noted in each of the three months, December – February. In December, nine species were most numerous: Magpie Pica pica, Great Tit Parus major, Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus, Greenfinch Carduelis chloris, Bullfinch Pyrrhula pyrrhula, Linnet Carduelis cannabina, Long-tailed Tit Aegithalos caudatus, Wren Troglodytes troglodytes, and Mistle Thrush Turdus viscivorus. Blue and Great Tits markedly increased in March after a progressive decline until February. A similar tendency showed Jay Garrulus glandarius. Peak numbers in January were noted for Raven Corvus corax, Fieldfare Turdus pilaris, Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, Goldfinch Carduelis carduelis, Tree Sparrow Passer montanus, Waxwing Bombycilla garrulous, and Great Spotted Woodpecker Dendrocopos major, and in February for Hooded Crow Corvus cornix and Hawfinch Coccothraustes coccothraustes. A similar level over the observation period was observed for Buzzard Buteo buteo, Sparrow Hawk Accipiter nisus and Black Woodpecker Dryocopus martius. Pagórski P. 2013. Dynamics of avifauna in an open agricultural landscape of the Mława Heights in the autumn-winter season. Kulon 18: 97-115. ul. Powstańców Wlkp. 3, PL-06-500 Mława, e-mail: Abstract.
In the period from 10 August 2006 to 17 February 2007, 20 bird counts
were conducted along a 10-km transect in an open agricultural landscape
near Mława. A total of 68 bird species represented by 18 114
individuals were seen, with a mean density of 905.7 individuals per
count/10 km. The most numerous species over this season consisted of
the Starling Sturnus vulgaris (36.7%, 332.2 ind./km/count), Golden Plover Pluvialis apricaria, (14.2%, 128.7 ind./km/count), Lapwing Vanellus vanellus (9.42%, 85.2 ind./km/count), also Skylark Alauda arvensis and Linnet Carduelis cannabina.
Four phenological periods were distinguished with respect to the
species richness and density of the majority of species. Individual
species of birds in three groups: residents, short-distance migrants,
and long-distance migrants, markedly differed in their number dynamics.
The results of the autumn-winter counts were compared for three
mesoregions: the Mława Heights, Rawa Plateau, and Siedlce Plateau.
Characteristic species of the Mława Heights consisted of Golden Plover
in both periods, Lapwing, Skylark and starling Sturnus vulgaris in the autumn period, and Cornbunting Emberiza calandra, Linnet and Yellohammer Emberiza citrinella
in the winter period. Marked differences were found in densities
of the species recorded in all the mesoregions compared. In this group,
only Goldfinch in the autumn period occurred in similar densities. In
the autumn period, 39 species out of 96 recorded from all transects
occurred in all the mesoregions compared, of which 16 species were most
numerous near Mława, 11 near Pawłowice, and 10 near Siedlce. In the
winter period, 11 species out of 44 recorded occurred in common. Five
species were most abundant in the Mława Heights and in the Rawa
Plateau., and only one in the Siedlce Plateau. The differences in
avifauna among the mesoregions were mainly due to differences in the
structure of the agricultural landscape, especially in the proportion
of orchards, woods, and buildings, also to differences in geographical
location. For Golden Plover also marked differences in the timing of
the study contributed to these differences. Łukaszewicz M., Kuropieska R., Iwańczuk C., Molęda M., Szafrański A., Tęcza R. 2013. Wintering birds in rural and urban villa housing types on the Kozienicka Lowland. Kulon 18: 117-137. Marcin Łukaszewicz, Mazowiecko-Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, Abstract. In the winter season 2010/2011, birds were counted in 23 localities of central Poland. From mid-December through February, three counts along transects were conducted in each of the selected villages and villa housing types in towns. We noted birds occurring near buildings in courtyards, orchards, or behind buildings. In rural settings, a total of 43 bird species were recorded, with a mean density of 193.9 ind./km, varying from 55 to 366.1 ind./km, depending on the village. The most numerous birds consisted of Great Tit Parus major – 16.8% of the total number of birds recorded (mean density of 32.5 ind./km), House Sparrow Passer domesticus – 16.2% (31.5 ind./km), Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella – 15.4% (29.8 ind./km), and Tree Sparrow Passer montanus – 14% (27.2 ind./km). In the villa housing estates, 32 species were recorded, represented by 775 ind. with a mean density of 168.5 ind./km. Their density varied from 110 to 215 ind./km. The most numerous bird was the Great Tit, accounting for 20% of all birds noted (density of 33.5 ind./km). The dominant species also comprised Siskin Carduelis spinus – 16%, Greenfinch Chloris chloris – 13.3%, House Sparrow – 7.9%, Yellowhammer – 6.2%, and Blue Tit Cyanistes caeruleus – 5.3%. Villages located on the Kozienicka Lowland are an attractive place for wintering birds, as they form an alternative habitat with available food supply, and abundant shelters. The most important factors influencing both numbers of birds and their diversity, include supplementary feeding, and close proximity to an open farmland and a large forest complex. Warchałowski M., Łupicki D., Cichocki J., Pietraszko M., Rusek A, Zawadzka A., Mazur N. 2013. Wintering bats Chiroptera in selected stand-alone objects of the Fortified Front of the Odra-Warta Arch. Kulon 18: 139-149. Marcin
Warchałowski, Jan Cichocki, Katedra Zoologii, Wydział Nauk
Biologicznych, Uniwersytet Zielonogórski, ul. Prof. Z. Szafrana
1, PL-65-516 Zielona Góra, e-mail: Abstract. This paper presents the results of the winter census conducted in selected objects of the Fortified Front of the Odra-Warta Arch (Poland) in 2007 and 2012. During the study, 30 objects were checked (stand-alone bunkers, shelters, technical corridors, basements, bridges), and as a result nine species of bats were reported. The dominant species in this study prefer cold places, and include Barbastella barbastellus and Plecotus auritus. The places of their occurrence are characterized by different construction and, consequently, different thermal insulation. Shelter "Podkowa" and technical corridors in the village Wysoka were characterized by the highest biodiversity index. Wachecki M. 2013. First record of breeding Dark - headed Wagtail Motacilla flava thunbergi in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 18: 149-150. ul. Gagarina 10/18, PL-25-031 Kielce, email: Abstract. On 6 June 2004, I observed in the Szydłowskie Plateau one male of the Dark–headed Wagtail Motacilla flava thunbergi at nest with a female of unknown subspecies. This is the first record of this subspecies nesting in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains and in the western part of Poland. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission. Wachecki M., Lewczuk D. 2013. First record of the Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula Krameri in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 18: 151-153. Maciej Wachecki, ul. Gagarina 10/18, PL-25-031 Kielce, email: Abstract. On 26 IX 1999, one male of the Rose-ringed Parakeet Psittacula krameri was observed in the Kielce city (50°52’N, 20°38’E). This is the first record of this species in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission. Fijewski Z. 2013. The first site of the pygmy damselfly Nehalennia speciosa (Charpentier, 1840) (Odonata: Coenagrionidae) in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 18: 153-155. ul. Brzozowa 1a/36, PL-26-200 Końskie Abstract. In June 2010, a site of the pygmy damselfly Nehalennia speciosa was found on a peatland near Sielpia (51°06’N, 20°21’E). This is a ca. 2-ha transition mire located in the Czarna River Valley (Special Area of Conservation Natura 2000 "Dolina Czarnej" PLH260015). This is the first record of the species from this region. So far, it was known from several ten (40-50) sites scattered mainly in northern and eastern Poland. More recent observations in 2011-2012 detected sites of this species in the region of the Świętokrzyskie Mts. (M. Gwardian, and G. Tończyk – personal information). Łukaszewicz M., Rowiński P. 2013. Report on winter bird counts in river valleys of the Mazovian Lowland in January 2013. Kulon 18: 157-165. Marcin Łukaszewicz, Mazowiecko-Świętokrzyskie Towarzystwo Ornitologiczne, Abstract. During 12-20 January 2013, birds wintering in river valleys and other selected objects of the Mazovian lowland were counted, as in preceding years. A total of 16 rivers of different sizes were surveyed Observations were also conducted at other sites of waterbird concentration, that is, in largest towns of the region and at dam reservoirs. In total, 1 185 km of the water course and reservoirs were surveyed. The winter 2012/2013 was moderately cold, with mean temperatures in the region varying between -8°C and -3°C. The water level of the Vistula and its tributaries was in the zone of medium values and, in places, high. All reservoirs (Zegrzyński, Sulejowski, Domianów) were totally covered with ice, and scarce waterbirds were recorded from the morass ground free of ice. Rivers of the western part of the region were not covered with ice. In the eastern part, the Bug River was ice covered to a different degree (90% on the average) along the entire surveyed section. Wintering of 92 bird species was recorded with a total number of over 68 thousand individuals. Among them, 33 species of waterbirds were seen, represented by 36 400 individuals. The dominant species was Mallard Anas platyrhynchos (73.5%). Other abundant species consisted of Goldeneye Bucephala clangula 7.5%, Goosander Mergus merganser 4.7%, Mute Swan Cygnus olor 3.6%, unspecified large Gulls Larus sp. 2.9%, and Black-headed Gull Chroicocephalus ridibundus 2.9%. Among land birds, 66 taxa were recorded, represented by 31 667 individuals. The most abundant bird was Siskin Carduelis spinus (40.9%), also Waxing Bombycilla garrulus 6.2%, Great Tit Parus major 5.4%, and Yellohammer Emberiza citrinella 5.2% were dominant. The mean density of birds was 267.2 ind./10 km. In this group, 0.2% of birds were not identified to species. |