vol 9 no 2. 2004


Wieczorek L. 2004. Concentrations of breeding birds on fish ponds in Bzura river valley. Kulon 9: 141-162

Leszek Wieczorek, Czekanowskiego 12, PL-08-300 Sokołów Podlaski

Abstract. In 1989-1990, the breeding fauna was surveyed on four largest complexes of fish ponds located in the Bzura river valley. They covered a total area of 853.25 ha (Rydwan-Okręt - 275.31 ha, Walewice - 258.11 ha, Psary - 186.67 ha, and Borów - 133.16 ha). The field work took 216 hours, from 12 to 14 surveys being conducted on individual pond complexes from early March through August, using 1: 5 000 maps. Numbers of 37 bird species were estimated, including 31 non-Passeriformes and 6 Passeriformes associated with aquatic habitats. The most abundant birds were represented by the black-headed gull (332 pairs), coot (230), mallard (191), tufted duck (150), and pochard (138). The highest species richness was observed on the ponds at the villages of Borów and Psary (27 species, each), and a little lower on pond Okręt (24 species) and at Walewice and Rydwan (23 species, each). All pond complexes were characterised by a similar species composition (QS = 70.0-77.8%) but they clearly differed in the density of birds (PZ = 52.3-60.1%). Ponds Rydwan and Okręt were inhabited by a large population of the greylag goose, and ponds at Psary had the highest density of diving ducks: 44.6 pairs/100 ha of the pochard and 30.5 pairs/100 ha of the tufted duck. The ponds at Borów differed from the other ponds in that the nesting birds included the cormorant, herring gull or yellow-legged gull, and Montagu’s harrier.

Dzierżanowski T. 2004. Yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella and corn bunting Emberiza calandra in agricultural landscape near the village of Lubochnia. Kulon 9: 163-173

Tomasz Dzierżanowski, Emilianów 12a, PL-97-217 Lubochnia

Abstract. The paper presents the abundance of the yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella in agricultural landscape on 57.5 km2 plot Lubochnia located in the commune of Lubochnia (southern Mazovia) in the breeding season, and wintering of the yellowhammer and corn bunting Emberiza calandra in three areas: Jasień (140 ha), Emilianów (200 ha) and Małecz (300 ha), all located on the plot Lubochnia. Almost 70% of the area was occupied by arable land, and the remaining land consisted of woodlots, fallows, pastures, hay meadows, orchards, wasteland, and human settlements. The mapping method was used in the period between May 3 and June 27, 2001 to estimate the number of breeding birds. The total area was subdivided into four parts that were censused in the same order. Winter counts were based on the method proposed by Górski (1976). Birds were counted once a week in the period December 2001-February 2002. The density of the yellowhammer in the breeding season was 2.45 territories/km2. In winter, mean densities of the yellowhammer and corn bunting were 18.96 ind./km2 and 2.80 ind./km2, respectively, in Jasień,14.80 ind./km2 and 11.35 ind./km2 in Emilianów, and 6.03 ind./km2 and 5.05 ind./km2 in Małecz. The breeding density of yellowhammers in the area of Lubochnia was one of the lowest in Poland. One of the reasons could have been large study area. Numbers of these species in winter were influenced by habitat structure. The major factor was the presence of human settlements.

Frasońska A., Chmielewski S. 2004. Nest-site selection and numbers of the house martin Delichon urbicum at Mogielnica and neighbouring villages. Kulon 9: 175-184. 

Sławomir Chmielewski, Rynek 12, PL-05-640 Mogielnica, sch6@wp.pl

Abstract. In 1997 and 1988, nests of the house martin were counted in the town of Mogielnica and in the neighbouring villages of Miechowice (254 inhabitants) and Pawłowice (161.7), central Poland. Densities of the house martin in 1997 were 3.7 pairs/10 ha in Mogielnica, 43.0 at Miechowice, and 161.7 at Pawłowice. In Mogielnica, nests were constructed mainly on buildings made for people, whereas in villages on farm buildings. The majority of nests (89%) were fastened on one surface (U-shaped nests), and the other nests were fastened on two perpendicular surfaces (L-shaped nests). In the town, most nests were destroyed by man (52% destroyed nests), whereas in villages most losses were due to nest detachment (86%). The height of nest placement averaged 3.9 m (SD = 1.1) in Mogielnica, 4.6 m (SD = 1.0) at Miechowice, and 4.6 m (SD = 2.7) at Pawłowice. In Mogielnica, house sparrows occupied as many as 21% of the house martin nests, whereas in villages only 4%.

Górski P. 2004. Longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) of Warsaw. Kulon 9: 185-200. 

Paweł Górski, Van Gogha 3B m 10A, PL-03-188 Warszawa

Abstract. The studies on longhorn beetles (Coleoptera: Cerambycidae) within the administrative boundaries of Warsaw were carried out from 1992 to 2004. During this period 79 species of longhorn beetles were found (41.6% of polish fauna of Cerambycidae). The occurrence of protected species Cerambyx cerdo has been confirmed. Also some very rare species (in example Acmaeops septentrionis, Clytus tropicus, Leiopus punctulatus and Agapanthia violacea) have been found. The greatest number of Cerambycidae species occurs in forest areas, much less in city parks and only 9 (Anisarthron barbipes, Rhamnusium bicolor, Grammoptera ruficornis, Pseudovadonia livida, Ropalopus macropus, Hylotrupes bajulus, Exocentrus lusitanus, Stenostola ferrea and Tetrops starkii) in the town centre. Preservation of forest areas has the highest importance for Cerambycidae protection within the boundaries of Warsaw. Palaearctic (31.6%), eurocaucasian (20.2%), subponto-mediterranean (12.7%) and European (11.4%) zoogeographical elements dominates in study area. The larval host plants (from 25 genus/species) have been identified for 46 species of longhorn beetles. The greatest number of Cerambycidae feeds on oak (15 species), pine (8 species), lime (7 species) and spruce (6 species). Only a few species of Cerambycidae have been determined as potential timber pests.

Goławski A. 2004. Densities of selected species of breeding birds on the sample plots in the Liwiec valley. Kulon 9: 201-203

Artur Goławski, Katedra Zoologii AP, Prusa 12, PL-08-110 Siedlce, artgo1@ap.siedlce.pl

Abstract. Numbers of 15 selected bird species were estimated in the breeding seasons 1999 and 2000 on a 300-ha meadow located in the Liwiec river valley (central-eastern Poland). The most abundant species were represented by the yellowhammer, whitethroat, and whinchat. Jays and barred warblers, the least abundant of the selected species, nested only in one of the two seasons. Densities of breeding pairs of the yellowhammer and magpie were very high as compared with their densities known from other areas of the same type in Poland, whereas the density of the fieldfare was low.

Żmihorski M. 2004. Number of little owl Athene noctua in Warsaw suburban zone (central Poland). Kulon 9: 203-205. 

Michał Żmichorski, Zakład Ekologii UW, Banacha 2, PL-02-097 Warszawa, zmihor@interia.pl

Abstract. Number of little owl were examined in spring 2004, by standard mapping techniques with voice broadcasting in the NE part of Warsaw. In the study area (25.6 km2) agricultural landscape dominated with meadows, arable and abandoned fields. Orchards and willows alleys were scares. Dense buildings in South part of census plot, and quite high traffic and road density appear. Occurrence of 4.5-5.5 breeding pairs and density 1.8 - 2.1 bp/10 km2 were recorded. It is the highest density of that species in Poland in agricultural landscape in last years. These results are in contrast to former research (2003 season) in central Poland, which showed much lower density of Little Owl.

Dombrowski A., Oszkiel S. 2004. Dynamics of spring and autumn migration of water-birds along the middle Vistula section. Kulon 9: 206-213. 

Andrzej Dombrowski, Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@wp.pl

Abstract. Along a 13-km section of the middle Vistula, between Holendry (commune of Wilga, Mazowieckie province) and Kępa Podwierzbiańska (commune of Maciejowice), 23 bird counts were conducted in the spring of 1984 and in the autumns of 1984 and 1987. In total, 42 species of water-birds were noted, including 35 species in spring and 24 in autumn (11 and 22 in separate years). In autumn, numbers of birds were much higher (997 and 920 ind/10 km/count) than in spring (508 ind/10 km/count). These differences in migration intensity between the compared phenological periods had a direct effect on the values of the index of species similarity (QS), being 58% between the spring and autumn 1984, as compared with 66.7% between the two autumn periods (1984 and 1987). Similar results were obtained for the index of density similarity (PZ), which was 53% between the spring and autumn of 1984, whereas 98% between the autumns of 1984 and 1987.

Pagórki P., Antczak K. 2004. Spring migration of the golden plover Pluvialis apricaria in the Mławka river valley. Kulon 9: 213-217. 

Piotr Pagórski, Powstańców Wlkp. 3, PL-06-500 Mława, piopag@wp.pl

Abstract. Spring migration of the golden plover in the Mławka river valley (NE Poland) in 1992-2000 was characterised by differences in numbers of birds. They were abundant in 1992, 2001, and 2004, totally absent in 1993, and scarce in 1994 and 1998. On 27 and 28 March, a flock of about 2200 individuals was observed. The early observation of golden plovers on 3 February 2002 is unusual in Poland.

Dombrowski A. 2004. Wintering of birds in a patchy landscape of the Siedlecka Upland in 2003/2004. Kulon 9: 217-219

Andrzej Dombrowski, Świerkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@wp.pl

Abstract. In the period 28 December 2003-26 February 2004, six counts of birds were performed on a 300-ha fragment of patchy agricultural landscape located in the Siedlecka Upland. From 6 to 16 species were noted on individual counts, in total 25 species, and from 11 to 355 individuals/100 ha, on the average 136.9 ind./100 ha/count. The most frequently observed species consisted of Corvus corax (100%), Pica pica, Carduelis carduelis, and Emberiza citrinella (83.3%). The most abundant species were represented by Turdus pilaris (61.6%), Emberiza citrinella (9.4%), Carduelis spinus (5.3%), and Corvus monedula (5.1%). Both the species richness and the mean densities of birds were higher than those known from the open landscape of the Siedlecka Upland, but close to those recorded from a similar landscape in the Wielkopolska region.

Kot H. 2004. Wintering of birds in villages of the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland. Kulon 9: 220-227. 

Henryk Kot, "EKOS", Starowiejska 24/18A, PL-08-110 Siedlce, ekos@siedlce.cc

Abstract. Between 30 December 1973 and 3 January 1974, single counts of birds were conducted at 15 villages located in the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland (eastern Poland), within an area of 214 ha. In total, 22 species of birds were noted, ranging from 4 to 16 per village. The mean density of birds was 152.9 ind./10 ha. The house sparrow Passer domesticus was most abundant, accounting for 56.4% of all birds. The group of dominants (more than 5% of the birds) also included the tree sparrow Passer montanus, yellowhammer Emberiza citrinella, and magpie Pica pica. In villages of the Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland surveyed in winter 1989/90 by Dombrowski (2001), the number of species was lower (17) and their densities were also lower (123.6 ind./10 ha), but the similarity of the species composition between the two seasons was high (QS = 76.9). Surveys conducted in Umianowice, Nida valley, during the winter season of 2002/2003 (Maniarski 2004) revealed considerable similarity of wintering bird community with that of villages of Łęczyńsko-Włodawskie Lakeland. Sorensen's species composition similarity index QS = 86.7, index of similarity of densities PZ = 74.8 and index of similarity of dominance Re = 77.3.

Jantarski M., Maniarski R., Błaziak W. 2004. Observation of the great black-headed gull Larus ichthyaetus on ponds at Górki (Świętokrzyskie province). Kulon 9: 227-228

Michał Jantarski, Nowowiejska5/137, PL-25-532 Kielce, mjantar@op.pl

Abstract. On 11-19 May 2002, one subadult great black-headed gull Larus ichthyaetus was observed on ponds at Górki (S Poland). This is the first record of this species from the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Jantarski M., Wilniewczyc P. 2004. Observation of the pygmy cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus on ponds at Górki (Świętokrzyskie province). Kulon 9: 228-229. 

Michał Jantarski, Nowowiejska5/137, PL-25-532 Kielce, mjantar@op.pl

Abstract. In 2003, on ponds at Górki in the Nida valley (50o21’N, 20o43’E), the pygmy cormorant Phalacrocorax pygmeus was noted on three occasions: 1 individual on 31 July, 3 individuals on 29 August, and 2 individuals on 30 August. The presence of 3 individuals is the greatest number so far known from Poland, where 17 observation were made by the end of 2002. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Jantarski M. 2004. First record of breeding mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 9: 230-231. 

Michał Jantarski, Nowowiejska5/137, PL-25-532 Kielce, mjantar@op.pl

Abstract. In 2001, active nests of three pairs of the Mediterranean gull Larus melanocephalus were found near the town? of Ostrów in the Nida valley (S Poland). This is the first observation of the nesting of this species in the Świętokrzyskie Mountains. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Jantarski M., Maniarski R. 2004. Breeding terns of the genus Chlidonias in the Nida river valley in 2001. Kulon 9: 231-233. 

Michał Jantarski, Nowowiejska5/137, PL-25-532 Kielce, mjantar@op.pl

Abstract. In the unusually wet year of 2001, 3 species of terns of the genus Chlidonias nested in the Nida valley (S Poland): 45 pair of the whiskered tern Chlidonias hybridus at two sites, 23 pairs of the white-winged black tern Chlidonias leucopterus at three sites, and 12 pairs of the black tern Chlidonias niger at one site. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Żmihorski M. 2004. Locality of ladybird spider Eresus cinnabericus in Piska Forest (NE Poland). Kulon 9: 235-236. 

Michał Żmichorski, Zakład Ekologii UW, Banacha 2, PL-02-097 Warszawa, zmihor@interia.pl

Abstract. One male of Ladybird spider was observed in eastern part of Piska Forest (53038’ N, 21040’ E) in August 1997.