vol 2 no 2. 1997

Dombrowski A., Keller M., Chmielewski S. 1997. Changes of numbers of waterfowl birds wintering on the Mazowiecka Lowland in 1984-1993. Kulon 2: 103-127.

Andrzej Dombrowski, ¦wierkowa 18, PL-08-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl 

Abstract. In 1984-1993 in half of January the counts of water birds wintering on the rivers and selected objects of the Mazowiecka Lowland (central-eastern Poland). Controls included all large rivers, some smaller ones, Zegrzyński Reservoir and smaller objects representing all remaining types of environments. All rivers divided into 5 km long sections, for which were completed separate forms with information about the degree of glaciation, the weather condition and the numbers of particular bird species. In analyzed 10 years period the very diverse course of temperature of the end of December and other ten days of January was recoded. In 1984-1993 the wintering of 47 water birds species was stated. In particular years from 20 to 33 species and from 27 000 to 85 000 birds were registered. The most numerous species in all seasons was Anas platyrhynchos - from 16 700 individuals in the coolest time of 1987 to 61 000 birds in the "mild" time of 1990. Taking into consideration all years of research, Anas platyrhynchos made 71% of numbers of all community. Three other species: Larus ridibundus, Larus canus and Bucephala clangula achieved under 5% of total numbers for all decade. Assuming 100% of numbers of given species in the year of its most numerous occurrence in time of "mild" winters (1989-1991) was stated the maximum numbers of 11 species. It was surprising, that the maximum numbers of Larus argentatus and Larus marinus (in decade) was in the last rather cold winter in 1993. Only 2 pairs of Anas platyrhynchos - Anas crecca and Bucephala clangula - Mergus albellus proved the strong correlation between the long-term dynamics of numbers (R2 = 0,77 and R2 = 0,82). Most species did not prove the guiding changes of numbers. Four groups differing of the reaction type of population numbers to weather factors. In A group there were species strong reacting to the changes of temperature and the degree of glaciation (Anas platyrhynchos, Ardea cinerea, Bucephala clangula, Anas crecca, Larus canus). In B group there were species weakly depended on the analogous factors (Mergus albellus, Aythya fuligula). In C group (Mergus merganser, Larus ridibundus) the dependence between bird numbers and temperature and the degree of glaciation was not proved. In D group there were progressive species, whose numbers was growing in next season, independently on the temperature course: Cygnus olor, Cygnus cygnus, Larus argentatus, Larus marinus. It was stated the strong correlation between Mazowia, Silesia and Latvia in numbers changed course of Aythya fuligula and Anas platyrhynchos, (0,73>R2<0,84) and for Cygnus cygnus but only between Mazowia and Latvia (R2 = 0,77). Negative regressive dependences, i. e. when the growth of numbers in one area accompanied the decline in one of two remaining comparable regions did not state in these comparisons.

Chmielewski S. 1997. Bird passages and wintering on lower Pilica. Kulon 2: 129-166.

Sławomir Chmielewski, Rynek 12, PL-05-640 Mogielnica, sch6@wp.pl 

Abstract. In 1983-1984 and 1986-1987 from September to April the bird count was carried out in a week interval, in 1984-1985 in every two weeks. It was counted all bird species within a sight on 18 km long river course. Characteristic of flying and wintering avifauna was completed with not published materials from 1984-1993 for all lower Pilica (from the dam on Sulejowski Reservoir to Pilica mouth to Vistula). 180 bird species, including 94 waterfowls were stated on lower Pilica in 1983-1987. Using information (data) from earlier years, 192 species were observed here. For 9 species were showed the numerical changes from 18 km long river stretch. In autumn (a first ten-day of September - a third ten-day of November) to dominants belonged 8 species. It was dominated: Mallard, Swallow, Lapwing, Meadow Pipit, Black Headed-Gull, Hooded Crow among waterfowls. Number of species from September to the end of November was decreasing to the characteristic condition for all winter season in December. In winter (a first ten-day of December - a third ten-day of February) 5 species were in the dominant group, including two of waterfowls. In spring (a first ten day of March - a third ten-day of April) the number of dominants increased to 6 species. At waterfowls dominated: Mallard, Lapwing, Hooded Crow, Swallow and Black-headed Gull. Pilica valley is situated out of main bird migration routs. But extent meadows and non-regulated river caused, that there was observed the large concentrations of flying Lapwings, Meadow pipits, and Golden Plovers.

Kowalski M. 1997. Breeding avifauna of "Ruska Kępa" poplar-willow marshy meadow (the Vistula river valley, Warsaw province). Kulon 2: 167-175.

Marek Kowalski, TP "Bocian", Jagiełły 10, PL-08-110 Siedlce

Abstract. Investigations were conducted in applying the cartographic method. The "Ruska Kępa" forest range is an environmental island (40-100-year-old tree stand consisted of Alnus incana, Populus nigra and P. alba with a very heavily developed layer of undergrowth) in the Vistula valley. Its area is 17 ha and 14.5 ha of it is subordinated to the reserve protection. On the siscussing area 30 breeding bird species and 17 flying ones were stated. The concentration of breeding bird communities was very high and two of dominant species (Chaffinch, Blackcap) was higher then of announced in the national literature. Comparing the Polish plots situated in alder carrs and in marshy meadows for the sake of participation of bird communities, locating nests in different places and with the aid of basic probability indicators was stated, that "Ruska Kępa" differs from the transformed poplar-willow marshy meadows in the Vistula valley in Warsaw and from alder carr and marshy meadows plots situated in the Białowieski National Park. The highest similarity proved the alder carr plot in the Kampinoski National Park and the marshy meadow one in the Ina valley.

Rowiński P. 1997. Avifauna of the planned nature reserve Zakole Wawerskie in Warsaw. Kulon 2: 177-194.

Patryk Rowiński, Katedra Zoologii Le¶nej i Łowiectwa SGGW, Rakowiecka 26/30, PL-02-528 Warszawa

Abstract. During 1992-1996 birds were observed in the annual cycles in the area of the planned nature reserve "Zakole Wawerskie" in Warsaw, Poland. The study area covered 147 hectares of the Vistula River flooded-land terrace, which was divided into three habitats: 98.8 ha (67%) of "park" (meadows and fields with clumps of trees and bushes), 38.8 ha (27%) of alder wood and 9.4 ha (6%) of reedbed. A total of 194 checks was carried out. To estimate the bird’s number the combined cartographic method was used. During the non-breeding period birds were registered while regular walking along a path in the study area. There were 126 bird species observed, including 75 breeding and probably breeding ones. In the “park” 48 bird species were recorded to breed with the estimated total density of 22.5 pairs per 10 ha. In the alderwood plot there were found 36 species breeding (while in the whole forest area – 41 species), which density was estimated to be 121 pairs per 10 ha. Bird community of the reedbed was constituted of 13 species with a total density of 80 pairs per 10 ha. During the post-breeding period 111 bird species were found to occur, while 76 species were observed during the migration period. Winter avifauna was represented by 57 species of which the most abundant were: Carduelis spinus, Pica pica, Turdus pilaris, Corvus frugilegus and Anas platyrhynchos. Zakole Wawerskie is the richest area in Warsaw in the respect of bird species nesting. Avifauna of the designed nature reserve is now under great threat as there is a advanced plan to build a motorway, covering part of this area.

Fijewski Z. 1997. Breeding avifauna of the "¦winia Góra" forest reserver. Kulon 2: 195-199.

Zbigniew Fijewski, Brzozowa 1a/36, PL-26-200 Końskie, zbigfi@wp.pl

Abstract. Observations were carried out in 1995 in the "¦winia Góra" forest reserve, which is situated on the ground of the ¦więtokrzyski Primeval Forest (Małopolska Upland). The total area of the forest reserve amounted 50.76 in which an experimental plot (34 ha) was determined. For the evaluation of species composition and the quantity of breeding birds, a combinative variant of the cartographical method, doing morning and 7 evening calculations was applied. On the plot 44 species were stated and 32 of them were recognized as breeding birds. The high participation of hole-nesters in the concentration resulted from the numerous occurrence of old deadwood on the area.

KaĽmierczak B., Kaliszewski I. 1997. Breeding colony of Black Cormorant (Phalocrocorax carbo) near Płock. Kulon 2: 201-206.

Bogdan KaĽmierczak, Królowej Jadwigi 1/29, PL-09-400 Płock

Abstract. The colony of Phalacrocorax carbo counting in 1990, 1992, 1995, 1996 and 1997: 8, 80, 200, 941 and 1150 nests were stated 10 kilometres from Płock (central Poland) on the island (area 23 ha) situated on the Włocławski Reservoir. Most nests situated on pines. Preliminary tests of food composition (on the basis of leftovers finding under nests), the Perca fluviatilis and Acerina cernua appeared most often. This biggest colony of Cormorants on the inland of Poland is the second in size in our country and collects about 10% of Polish breeding population.

Dombrowski A. 1997. Development of the field population of Montagus Harrier (Circus pygargus) on the Południowopodlaska Lowland. Kulon 2: 207-219.

Andrzej Dombrowski, ¦wierkowa 18, PL-98-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl 

Abstract. In 1990 the first coincidence of nesting of Montagus Harrier was recorded on the fields (rye and millet cultivations) on the Południowopodlaska Lowland (eastern Poland). Until 1996 20 pairs of this species were detected in this environment, what makes 38% of know breeding population from 1983-1993. The  most of these pairs (48%) were nested in traditional environments (meadows, peat-bogs). It seems, that the "wild" populations is the biggest, because field environments make average 60% and locally 80% of the area. Field setting was carried out simultaneously with fish ponds settling (8 pairs) and with the growth of numbers of population settling the traditional environment - on 6 plots in river valleys followed the growth of numbers of Montagus Harrier by 70%in the last ten days. Field settling on the Południowopodlaska Lowland is convergent in time with the growth of numbers of Montagus Harrier in this environment in other regions of Poland (Northern Podlasie, Lubelszczyzna, Silesia). The growth of Polish breeding population of Montagus Harrier is in a contrast with the decline of numbers of this species in Great Britain, Germany, the Netherlands, Moldavia, Lithuania, Latvia and Ukraine and is convergent with the growth of numbers in Russia.

Polak M. 1997. The first observation of the Griffon Vulture (Gyps fulvus) in the Region of ¦więtokrzyskie Mountains. Kulon 2: 211-212.

Marcin Polak, Krasickiego 24/33, PL-25-430 Kielce

Abstract. On the 5th of June 1996 in the vicinity of ŻeleĽnica village (50o59'N, 20021'E) a weak Griffon Vulture was found. It had a metal ring leg and three plastic rings on the left leg. This bird was ringed on the 29th of October 1984 in Saint Pierre Des Tripiers in the Cenral Massif in France (44014'N; 03017'E) at the age of five. Accepted by the Avifanistic Commission.

Furmanek M., Osojca G. 1997. The first observation of breeding Long-tailed Tits (Aegithalos caudatus europaeus) on the Mazowiecka Lowland. Kulon 212-213.

Michał Furmanek, Poręba 70, PL-27-300 Lipsko, mifur@interia.pl 

Abstract. In May of 1997 by the Kamienna River – mouth to the Vistula River (south-east of Poland) the hatch of the mixed pair of Aegithalos caudatus europaeus with Aegithalos caudatus caudatus was stated.

Rębi¶ M. 1997. The second observation of Grey Phalarope (Phalaropus fulicarius) on the Mazowiecka Lowland. Kulon 2: 213.

Maciej Rębi¶, Warszawska 32a/18, PL-26-900 Kozienice

Abstract. On the 23rd of August 1996 on the Vistula River near Lucimia village (central Poland) the Grey Phalarope was observing. It is the second observation of this species on the Mazowiecka Lowland. Accepted by the Avifaunistic Commission.

Dombrowski A. 1997. Nesting of Ravens (Corvus corax) on the brink of the southern Podlasie estates. Kulon 2: 214-215.

Andrzej Dombrowski, ¦wierkowa 18, PL-98-110 Siedlce, adomb@tlen.pl 

Abstract. In 1986-1989 on the brink of four villages in Siedlce province and in 1995 and 1997 on the brink of the big town Siedlce and the little town Łosice the nesting of single pairs of Raven were stated. The observed cases are presumably the manifestation of the growth of numbers of this species recorded since the end of the eighties.  

Kaliszewski I., KaĽmierczak B. 1997. An intensive passage of Magpies (Pica pica) to night’s lodging. Kulon 2: 215-216.

Ireneusz Kaliszewski, Kochanowskiego 23/32, PL-09-402 Płock

Abstract. On the 27th of February 1988 over the Vistula River near Płock (central Poland) the passage of 1300-1500 Magpies to a night’s lodging. Was carried out birds were flying in the small flocks from 15 to 55 individuals. It is the biggest recorded concentration of Magpies in Poland.

Ciach M. 1997. Haches of Goldeneye (Bucephala clangula) near Tomaszów Mazowiecki. K 2: 216-217.

Michał Ciach, Głowackiego 39/43/40, PL-97-200 Tomaszów Mazowiecki, mciach@ar.krakow.pl 

Abstract. I 1996 and 1997 the hatch of one pair of Goldeneye was stated near Tomaszów Mazowiecki (central Poland). It is the first breeding station of this species on the Południowomazowiecka Lowland.

Rębi¶ M., Dombrowski A. 1997. Unusual location of the Kingfisher (Alcedo atthis). Kulon 2: 217-218.

Maciej Rębi¶, Warszawska 32a/18, PL-26-900 Kozienice

Abstract. In 1996-1997 the burrow of Kingfisher was found, located in an alder windfallen tree by the Zwolenka River near Borowiec village and in 1982 not far from the Vistula River bed (central Poland).

Rębi¶ M. 1997. Unusual nest of Sheer Wall (Streptopelia decaocto). Kulon 2: 218.

Maciej Rębi¶, Warszawska 32a/18, PL-26-900 Kozienice

Abstract. In 1996-1997 the hatches of Sheer Wall was stated in the nest, which was built of metal seals inside of the warehouse.

Rębi¶ M. 1997. Unusual behaviour of White Stork (Ciconia ciconia). Kulon 2: 218-219.

Maciej Rębi¶, Warszawska 32a/18, PL-26-900 Kozienice

Abstract. In 1995 and 1996 in Kozienice (central Poland) White Stork, which was breaking window panes was observed.

Rębi¶ M. 1997. Station of the British toad (Bufo calamita) in Kozienice. Kulon 2: 221-222.

Maciej Rębi¶, Warszawska 32a/18, PL-26-900 Kozienice

Abstract. On the 29th of August 1997 in the middle of doing the inspection of a manhole in Kozienice (UTM EC 31) 21 individuals of the British toad were found. One year earlier at the end of September in the same places 7 young individuals were found. In the middle of the second visit on the 2nd of October 1996 in the manhole there were 3 individuals of the British toad (two juveniles).

Keller M., Rowiński P., Nowakowski J., Maniakowski M. 1997. Vistula operation – students camp of bird ringing on the middle course of Vistula in 1983-1996. Kulon 2: 232-243.

Marek Keller, Katedra Zoologii Le¶nej i Łowiectwa SGGW, Rakowiecka 26/30, PL-02-528 Warszawa

Abstract. In 1983-1996 migrating passerine birds were ringed during 11 autumn camps organised by students from Warsaw University of Agriculture. Birds were caught in mist nests, in the area of riverain poplar-willow bushes. In 1995-1996 ringing of waders was also carried out and birds were caught in the tunnel traps situated on sandy beaches. A total of 23 575 birds from 99 species were banded. Of total of 22 357 passerine species, the most often caught were: Chiffchaff – 5 066 (23%), Robin – 3 061 (14%), Dunnock – 1 986 (9%), Blackap – 1 958 (9%). Of a total of 861 waders, the Common Sandpiper was the species caught most often. By 31st of December 1996, there were recorded 28 recoveries including 10 of Song Thrushes which were shot in Western Europe. Organisers paid special attention to limit the number of birds dying during study, e.g. in the autumn of 1996, only 24 individuals died in ringing point (0.9% of all ringed birds).